Nutrition and Fitness

Raw food, Paleo, pH, Zone, anti-inflammatory, vegan, gluten-free – there’s a lot of information out there about how to eat. People somehow turned the most natural thing required for living into the most complex topics out there, wrought with controversial science, cultural expression and, yes, belief systems.

Fitness can also be an area where it’s tough to know where to start and how best to proceed. Fortunately, fitness science is a bit more straight forward, and moving toward a goal is ultimately as simple as moving your body. We’ll show you the moves and the methods, educating you along the way about the why so that you can become your own best trainer.

Our coaching works closely with you to create a lifestyle which will work for you: to move you toward your goals while honestly accounting for constraints and pressures in your day to day. If you’re looking for paragons of virtue and iron-willed disciplinarians, we aren’t for you: we’re on the journey with you, sharing the deep wealth of information and learning we’ve acquired.

We support your lifestyle changes in custom combinations of:

  • Creating menus
  • Preparing juices and smoothies
  • Offering weekly support check-ins
  • Providing supportive healing work
  • Offering fitness training sessions

Fees will vary with options and frequency; please schedule an initial consultation for $25, during which we will discuss your goals, concerns and options.